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Spring Distribution Updates!

Another batch of tarballs are now available for AOSC OS, available to users of the AMD64, ARMv7, ARMv8/AArch64, PowerPC 32/64-bit Big Endian ports. As usual, they contain the newest packages available for AOSC OS, along with some enhancements, changes, and additions:

  • New variants, Budgie and i3wm.
  • The root user is now locked down by default, but you may still enable the root user by setting a password for root, check out our new installation guide for more information.
  • AMD Ryzen support is available (Kernel 4.9.11).

Here below is the default look to the AOSC OS i3wm variant, powered by the i3 window manager, Conky, and i3blocks - a configuration based on Manjaro's i3 edition. This is our first i3wm distribution, so this release may still contain some inconsistency and shortcomings in design - tell us what you think!


Budgie, the "flagship" desktop environment of the Solus Project - this is their own take on the GNOME desktop experience.


Neofetch is now installed with every AOSC OS distribution to provide you with some basic system information - and a chance to show off your distro!


You might have noticed that tarballs for MIPS32 are not updated yet, this is because we are currently working on the Kernel port for MIPS32 - and it didn't happen in time for this wave of updates - we will be releasing updates for MIPS32, along with MIPS64, with full mainline Kernel support on Loongson 2E, 2F, and 3A devices - as they are currently our principle target platform for these two ports (having said that, our MIPS ports are still generic and not specific to Loongson/Godson systems).

Thanks for stopping by, and we wish you a good experience working with AOSC OS!